The gentlest of the Zone Therapies. Combining acupuncture points, reflex zones, anatomy & physiology of the skull Atlas & Axis vertebrae, Vagus nerve, other cranial nerves, lymphatic system and somatic body work by extremely gently stimulating specific points on the head, while you fall into a truly deep healing relaxation. By applying gentle pressure to these points in order to release pressure, tension held in the head, improving circulation as well as rebalancing the body via reflex points.
Just think of that moment when you go to the hairdresser, you have the scalp massage and you wish it went on for longer, This is THE treatment that does that and MORE! The sense of relaxation, comfort and wellbeing you get from this treatment is quite profound and surprising.
This treatment can be done fully clothed, lying down,or seated.
This treatment benefits everyone including babies and is specifally beneficial to those with; Fibromyalgia, headaches and eyestrain, bruxism, TMJ, post concussion syndrome, alopecia and head trauma or stroke patients.
NOT TO BE CONFUSED with Sacro Cranial therapy or any Osteopathic/Physical manipulation!
Herzaaien van oren - 20 minuten 20€
Er moet vooraf een oorzonetherapiebehandeling van 60 minuten hebben plaatsgevonden
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